Google — Product Experts
In 2017, R/GA was asked to do a complete overhaul of the Google Top Contributor Program. What we created was a system, that allowed users participating within the Google Product Forums to level up and become a certified Google Product Expert. The leveling system had to be clear and precise. The aesthetic had to feel premium, as these are some of Googles most knowledgeable and certified people to trust within the forums. The design also had to be flexible, as this program lived among many different sites and formats.

First, we created a logo and visual design system.

We then created a marketing website to attract new candidates into the program.

Next: Product Expert Candidates are taken to profile creation.

After the Product Expert Candidate remains active, they level up to Early Product Expert and are able to track activity in the profile.

Continued activity levels the user up to Product Expert; unlocking the ability to then create a public profile.

Profiles made public are then displayed on a profile directory.

And lastly, assets for social media were created so Product Experts could show off their status.